· open source · 1 min read

Handy git tricks!

Learn a few tricks for Git!

Git can be tricky, but it also has lots of tricks you can use to your advantage to trick it right back!

Reading the reflog

This is one of the most important features in Git. It keeps track of your repository state history. Where you pulled, merged, rebase, committed, etc. It does wonders for keeping track of how you messed something up, or how to restore in particularly prickly situations. WIP

Playing with the index

The index is a file in Git, and it stores your staged files. WIP

Undoing stuff in Git (resets, reverts, and more, oh my!)

Git gives you a lot of ways to undo or fixup mistakes. The right way depends on the situation.

Optimal Git config

Git lets you customize quite a lot to tailor your repo to its content and your machine to your workflows.

LFS tips bonus round!

LFS is an extension to Git which adds support for large files.

Using it in Unreal Engine

We have developed some infrastructure if you’re using Git in an Unreal Engine project.

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